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    當前位置:首頁(yè)/文山三七> 三七生意社,生意社三七行情2016年4月18日









    3,37歲女人再創(chuàng )業(yè)干點(diǎn)啥好

    創(chuàng )業(yè)不分年齡,但是有風(fēng)險,許多人想創(chuàng )業(yè),干一番事業(yè),但又苦于沒(méi)有高額資金,害怕風(fēng)險導致血本無(wú)歸,所以夢(mèng)想只能暫時(shí)擱淺。好高騖遠看不起小本生意的想法是錯誤的,畢竟不是每個(gè)人都能成為比爾蓋茨、馬云那樣的人物。而小本生意,投資門(mén)檻低,風(fēng)險低,往往更容易賺大錢(qián),適合初次創(chuàng )業(yè)的人。比如馬云之前也自己開(kāi)過(guò)翻譯社,典型的小成本創(chuàng )業(yè),賺了一些錢(qián)買(mǎi)了湖畔花園的房子,才開(kāi)始做阿里巴巴。



    第一單元詞組和句子1. What is sb. like? 某人是個(gè)什么樣子? What does sb. look like?某人看起來(lái)是個(gè)什么樣子?What does sb. like? 某人喜歡什么?How does sb like/find sth? 某人認為某物怎么辦?What do you think of sth.? 某人認為某物怎么辦?2. argue with sb. about sth 因…和某人爭執3. enjoy/hate sth/ doing sth4. so / nor/ neither + 系動(dòng)/助動(dòng)/情動(dòng) + 主語(yǔ)So it is with...; It is the same with... 5. be into 對…深感興趣 =be interested in; have/show interest in 5. be fond of 喜歡 care for; like; enjoy; 6. surf the internet 上網(wǎng)沖浪7. all the time 一直總是8. cast away 拋棄9. imagine that...; imagine (sb/sb’s) doing sthimagine sb to be 想像某人是10. so…that…/such…that… 如此…以致… So excited was he that he could not speak. It was such a lovely day/ so lovely a day that we decided to go outing. It is amusing that such little birds eat so much food. 10. survive the crash 在空難中幸存11. a deserted island 荒島12. all alone 獨自 = all by oneself alone 單獨的;獨自的lonely 孤獨的;寂寞的13. hunt for 搜尋尋找 search for; 14. make fire 生火15. in order to 為了so as to; in order that; so that 16. even though/even if 即使,縱然as if / as though 17. treat…as/like… 把…當作regard...as...; think of...as 18. share sth. with sb. 與…分享share (in) sth 分享19. care about/for 關(guān)心,照顧,喜歡 care to do sth 愿意做;care for sb to do sth 愿意某人做 care + 從句愿意;介意20. should have done 本來(lái)應該 =ought to have done 21. make friends with 與…交朋友22. such as 例如 for example;for instance23. keep...as a pet 24. regard ...as...; treat...as; think of...as; consider...as/to be 25. be loyal to; be faithful to;be devoted to 忠誠于26. be quick in mind and action 思維敏捷行動(dòng)迅速27. have fun; enjoy oneself; have a wonderful time 28. drop me a line 給某人寫(xiě)短信29. keep…in mind 把…記住 learn...by heart; remember 30. in error / by mistake 由于錯誤或疏忽31. tie up (one’s hair) 扎起來(lái) do up32. run into 偶然遇見(jiàn); 遭遇;與...相撞 come across; meet by chance; happen to meet 33. be proud of 以…而感驕傲 take pride in 34. run a restaurant 開(kāi)餐館 start a restaurant run a business 做生意35. skip classes 逃課 36. keep an eye on 照顧; 注視;stare at 盯著(zhù)看37. make fun of 取笑某人; laugh at 38. It is possible (for sb) to do;It is possible/probable/likely that... Sb. + is (most) likely to do sth. Sth. + is probable39. be curious about 對…感到好奇 be curious that... have the curiosity about 40. have problems with 在... 有問(wèn)題41. even if you are thousand miles apart即使你們分別在幾千英里42. despite = in spite of 盡管;不管 regardless of43. the Pacific Ocean; the Atlantic Ocean; the Indian Ocean; the arctic Ocean;
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